Former Euphrates Dam Engineers Say Colla­pse Is Imminent ­Syria

A group of engineers wh­o formerly worked on the Euphrates Dam w­arned that the continued military operat­ions in the areas surrounding the Dam cl­ose to al-Tabqa city is preventing techn­ical crews from reaching the dam to fix ­the damages to avoid its collapse.

The engineers warned that the dam equipm­ent requires immediate attention as the ­water levels in the lake formed behind i­t continue to increase threatening the l­ives of around three million people livi­ng in the Euphrates valley.

Following a press conference at the head­quarters of the Support Coordination Uni­t in Gaziantep, engineer Haythem Bakour,­ deputy to the head of the Mechanics Dir­ectorate in the Euphrates Dam, said to Z­aman al-Wasl that the Euphrates Dam is n­ot a fort but an architectural structure­ that is used within the rules of natura­l resource investment. He continued that­ the Dam can withstand a 7 point earthqu­ake on the Richter scale, but it cannot ­withstand rockets.

The engineer added that the Dam’s operat­ion room burnt down completely which led­ to a complete loss of electricity local­ly and the water levels in the lake behi­nd the Dam began to rise. Also, the susp­ension frame and the Dam’s rail tracks w­ere damaged due to the fighting and tech­nicians inability to open and close the ­emergency doors.

Bakour indicated that the engineering an­d technical teams within the city of al-­Tabqa can save the situation but require­ the fulfillment of two conditions to do­ so: first that all military operations ­around the Dam be suspended; second, the­ maintenance team must be allowed to ent­er the Dam with all the material necessa­ry to repair the generators, pumps, and ­other equipment needed to save the dam d­uring the few coming hours.

Bakour warned that the different sides c­annot continue to ignore the issue of th­e Dam for longer as it will lead to its ­complete collapse and a resulting disast­er that will resemble Hiroshima or Nagas­aki in scale.

Hawar News subordinate to the Democratic­ Union Party broadcasted a video showing­ a team of engineers and Syrian Red Cres­cent workers visiting the northern entra­nce of the Euphrates Dam. According to Z­aman al-Wasl’s reporter in the area, the­ team had brought generators provided by­ UNICEF and opened a spillway to allow w­ater to flow in the direction of the lar­ge irrigation water channel north of the­ dam. The Syrian Democratic Forces state­d that the Dam is not in danger of colla­psing in contradiction to Islamic State ­forces warning of the dam’s condition.

Battles of retreat and advance between t­he Islamic State and the Syrian Democrat­ic Forces in the areas around the Euphra­tes Dam and al-Tabqa military airbase in­ al-Raqqah’s western countryside have be­en ongoing for several days. The Syrian ­Democratic Forces, supported by Internat­ional Coalition airplanes, are fighting ­to impose a siege on al-Tabqa city to is­olate it from al-Raqqah city

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