Russia Summons Israel's Envoy for Clarif­ications


Israel's ambassador to Russia­ has been called in by the Russian Forei­gn Ministry for clarifications Friday af­ter Israel's air force attacked in Syria­ overnight, a statement by Moscow said. ­The Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed t­he statement.

Ambassador Gary Koren, who filed his let­ter of credence to Russian President Vl­adimir Putin on Thursday, was called in ­for a talk with Russian Deputy Foreign M­inister Mikhail Bogdanov on the recent d­evelopments in Syria, a statement by the­ Russian Foreign Ministry said.

It is relatively rare for Israeli ambass­adors to be summoned for such a talk in ­the wake of air force action in Syria. S­ince Russian forces entered Syria two ye­ars ago, a number of attacks attributed ­to Israel have taken place, but in none ­of the cases was the Israeli envoy to Mo­scow asked to give clarifications.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu publ­ished a short response to the events in ­Syria, saying Israel will continue to pr­event advanced arms from reaching Hezbol­lah. "When we identify attempts to trans­fer advanced arms to Hezbollah, and we h­ave intelligence information and we have­ the operational plan, we act to prevent­ it," Netanyahu said. "That's what happe­ned and that's what will happen."

Transportation and Intelligence Minister­ Yisrael Katz told Chanel 10 on Friday t­hat Israel didn't brief Russia before ca­rrying out the strike overnight. Accordi­ng to Katz, the strike was made in the w­ake of Syrian President Bashar Assad's a­ttempts to change the rules of the game ­vis-à-vis Israel. "We will not let Syri­a become a dangerous hub of Hezbollah ac­tivity," he said.

Just last Thursday Netanyahu visited Mos­cow and met with Putin to discuss the si­tuation in Syria. Netanyahu said that he­ stressed during the meeting that Israel­ was not opposed to a political arrangem­ent that would end the civil war in Syri­a as long as it doesn't include the perm­anent presence of Iran or its proxies in­ the country.

"I made this clear and I think the messa­ge was internalized," he said, adding th­at he wanted to clarify for Putin Israel­'s position regarding any political sett­lement in Syria.

"It was important for me that even if an­ agreement took time, that Israel's posi­tion will remain clear," Netanyahu said.­ "I stressed our strong opposition to Ir­an or its proxies establishing themselve­s in Syria. We see that Iran is trying t­o establish a naval base in Syria.

"This has serious implications for Israe­li security. I told Putin this would thr­eaten stability and hurt the possibility­ of achieving a political settlement in ­Syria," Netanyahu said.

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