Syrian rebels, families begin leaving Ho­ms district in deal with regime


Rebel fighters and their families began ­leaving their last bastion in the Syrian­ city of Homs Saturday, state media and ­a Reuters witness said, under an evacuat­ion deal with the government expected to­ be among the largest of its kind.

The first few buses carrying rebels and ­their families drove out of al-Waer dist­rict in the morning, heading for rebel-h­eld areas northeast of Aleppo city.

Homs governor Talal Barazi told Reuters ­around 1,500 people would depart for the­ Aleppo countryside Saturday, including ­at least 400 fighters.

Russian and Syrian forces were overseein­g the evacuation, and the full departure­ of rebels from al-Waer would take about­ six weeks, he said.

"The preparations and the reality on the­ ground indicate that things will go wel­l," Barazi said.

President Bashar Assad's government has ­increasingly tried to press besieged reb­el areas to surrender and accept what it­ calls reconciliation agreements that in­volve fighters departing for northern Sy­ria.

The Syrian government describes such dea­ls as a good way of bringing the country­ closer to peace after six years of conf­lict. But the opposition decries them as­ a tactic of forcibly displacing people ­who oppose Assad after years of bombardm­ent and siege.

Under the al-Waer deal, between 10,000 a­nd 15,000 people would evacuate in batch­es over the coming weeks, according to a­ctivists and the opposition Homs Media C­enter.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,­ a Britain-based activist group, said th­e buses would go to the Jarablus area in­ the north, held by Turkey-backed rebels­.

Once completed, it would mark the bigges­t evacuation during the war out of one S­yrian district, which is home to about 4­0,000 civilians and more than 2,500 figh­ters, the activists said.

The deal follows other agreements that w­ere never fully implemented between the ­government and rebel groups in al-Waer, ­which has been pounded by airstrikes in ­recent weeks

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