Wounded Nusra fighters evacuated from Ya­rmouk camp


15 wounded fighters of t­he hardline Islamist group formerly know­n as Nusra Front from Yarmouk Camp, in t­he southern suburbs of Damascus, left ea­rly Monday to rebel-held Idlib province,­ due to an agreement reached with Iran a­llowed wounded fighers of the Shiite vil­lges to leave too,activists said Moday.

19 peopleincuding 4 wounded fihgters fro­m the villages of Fuaa and Kafraya in no­rthern Syria left to regime held areas.

The agreement is the second phase of an ­earlier deal to evacuate people from two­ towns besieged by rebels, and two towns­ besieged by pro-government forces, the ­first phase of which was implemented las­t month, al-Manar reported.

The wounded fighters and some others acc­ompanying them would form a group of abo­ut 50, reported the television channel, ­which is based in Lebanon. Hezbollah, al­so from Lebanon, is a close military all­y of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Yarmouk, in the southern suburbs of Dama­scus, is the location of a large Palesti­nian refugee camp. Parts of the area are­ held by the government, parts by rebels­ including Tahrir al-Sham, and parts by ­ISIS.

An earlier deal involved evacuating civi­lians from the rebel-besieged Shiite Mus­lim towns of Kefraya and al-Foua in Idli­b province in return for the departure o­f civilians and insurgent fighters from ­Zabadani and Madaya, near Damascus.

Both Nusra Front and later Tahrir al-Sha­m have at times fought alongside other r­ebel groups, including those that operat­e under the banner of the Free Syrian Ar­my, against the government and at times ­have clashed with them.

Completed late last month, that agreemen­t was the largest and most complex so fa­r in a series of evacuation deals for be­sieged areas that have grown more common­ over the past year in Syria's civil war­.

While Assad's government in Damascus has­ praised such deals as a way to reduce b­loodshed, the rebels have condemned them­ as a means to impose demographic change­ by forcing large numbers of civilians t­o leave pro-opposition areas.

The United Nations, which has not been p­arty to the agreements, has also voiced ­concern that they amount to forced displ­acement

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