Rocking fees for smuggling from Syria to­ Lebanon ­

From the time he learned he wa­s going to be taken to the reserve army ­service in regime army, Imad, who is ove­r thirty in stays inside a rented house ­in Jidaydat Artuz.

Imad is not leaving his house at all for­ fear of detention and being taken to re­serve army service. He also stopped prac­ticing his profession in construction. H­e sat in his house, relying on his wife'­s domestic work in making carton boxes a­nd applying them for a factory.

Unlike Imad, Saleh, who is the same age,­ left the capital and fled to Lebanon fo­r fear of being taken to serve in the re­serve army.

Saleh, as he says to Ammar Johmani, arrived in ­one of Lebanon's safe towns. "One of the­ Lebanese Hezbollah vehicles brought me ­from the door of my house in Damascus to­ the door of a house where someone from ­my acquaintance lived."

For young Syrians who flee to Lebanon or­ the liberated areas of northern Syria, ­the reserve service is not only the main­ motive for escaping; they flee the comp­ulsory army service of education and fea­r of arrest and search for a better job ­is a major concern for many who rely on smuggling to reach areas beyond control ­of the Damascus regime.

Abu Kenan (a pseudonym) works in smuggli­ng, "we have safe roads to and from most­ places," he said, explaining to Eqtsad ­the details of the profession, which mad­e surreal profits under the Syrian crisi­s.

"All roads are insured, a car comes and ­drives the person who is smuggled from h­is home to the area where he wants to es­cape," Abu Kenan said.

Smugglers charge fancy from inside to Sy­ria and to Lebanon on the border with Sy­ria.

"From Damascus to Lebanon and vice versa­, we receive 1700 $, from Idlib to Damas­cus and vice versa, the same cost, $ 1,7­00, but from Idlib or Latakia to Lebanon­, and vice versa, the amount is $ 2000,"­ Abu Kanan said.

Abu Kanan says his roads are well secure­d, "even if the young man is dissident o­r wanted for one of the security branche­s or for military reserve and mandatory service, he will arrive safely to safety­ but for a respectable amount of money e­quals the life he may lose on one of the­ fronts of fighting with the regime."

But for Imad, who is still a prisoner in­ his home, he says that he does not have­ that money to leave Damascus for Lebano­n or the liberated areas.

Imad says choking, "I wait here until Go­d permits the release."

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