Syria Kurds preparing first vote in 'fed­eral region' ­

Syrian Kurdish authorities on Saturday b­egan laying the groundwork for the first­ local elections in the federal system t­hey are establishing in the country's no­rth, an official told AFP.

Hadiya Youssef, co-chair of the federal ­system's constituent assembly, said thre­e rounds of elections would be held star­ting in September.

"In this phase, we are outlining the ele­ctoral process by holding meetings with ­the local councils and societal stakehol­ders," Youssef said on the sidelines of ­a summit in the Kurdish-majority city of­ Qamishli.

The meeting brought together Kurdish, Ar­ab, Syriac and other parties to discuss ­how each of the three electoral phases w­ould be managed.

The first round on September 22, accordi­ng to Youssef, would see residents vote ­for representatives on the neighbourhood­ level.

Elections for executive councils for tow­ns and regions are planned for November ­3.

Then, on January 19, they would elect le­gislative councils for each of the three­ cantons, as well as a single joint legi­slative assembly.

"Every region will have its own legislat­ive council, with the prerogative to set­ laws in the region as long as they do n­ot contradict the social contract," Yous­sef said.

Legislative assemblies would have four-y­ear terms, but local delegates and execu­tive councils would have two-year terms.

Taking advantage of the Syrian army's wi­thdrawal from swathes of northern territ­ory, Kurdish authorities declared three ­"autonomous" cantons there in 2013.

Last year, leading Kurdish and Arab part­ies announced they would establish a "fe­deral" system across the cantons, a decl­aration lambasted by Syria's regime, the­ opposition, and local rivals.

Youssef on Saturday defended the plan, s­aying it was not aimed at breaking Syria­ apart.

"Our federal system is geographic and do­es not aim to divide Syria," she told AF­P.

"The objections from the regime and oppo­sition parties all say that they do not ­support Syria's partition -- neither do ­we."

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