Syrian-Pakistani relations are historical and the two countries’ stances are identical in all international forums

Ammar Johmani Magazine

Damascus, SANA- The Embassy of the Republic of Pakistan in Damascus held a reception Wednesday on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Independence Day at the Golden Mezzeh Hotel in Damascus.

In his speech, the Pakistani Ambassador to Damascus, Shahid Akhtar, stressed that the relations between his country and Syria are historical and deeply rooted, and that they have always had identical stances in all international forums, noting that Pakistan support for Syria and its people against all those who conspired to weaken this nation during the war.

Ambassador Akhtar praised the steadfastness of the Syrian people and considered that Syria will return to its rightful place and that the truth always wins.

 “The world realizes the extent of the grave injustice committed against Syria and its people, as we are all witnessing a change in vision and way of thinking,” he said.

He pointed out that cooperation between the two countries has witnessed progress in recent years, with MoUs signed or renewed in various fields including economy, defense, information technology and tourism.

The Ambassador pointed out that the Pakistani people made great sacrifices to make their country an independent state on the world map, where tolerance, equality and justice prevail, noting that the cornerstone of his country’s foreign policy is long-term relations with all countries based on firm beliefs in respecting the sovereignty of states and their territorial integrity.

For his part, Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Muhammad Hassan Qatna said that the distinguished relations between the two countries arise from the common principles that Syria and Pakistan believe in in the face of global challenges and military and political interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

He stressed Pakistan’s support for Syria and its right to defend its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and to combat terrorism.

Manar Salameh

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